Leah is a Manifesting Generator who is doing it all! She works as a Registered Nurse, but is also a Human Design & Self-Love Guide, and Podcast Host of the show, Evolve & Align. Leah has always been interested in both science and spirituality, and loved learning about astrology (+ doing all the personality tests 🤪) and when she found Human Design a few years ago, it all clicked. Leah has been deep diving into Human Design through self-study and integration, and was trained to facilitate readings by Erin Claire Jones in the Blueprint Pro Program.
Leah started her entrepreneurial journey in network marketing, and worked with her company for about 3 years before learning about the world of Human Design. Throughout this journey of self-discovery, Leah learned so much about herself and how her energy best operates in the world. This in turn empowered her to pivot her business from network marketing into Human Design coaching. This discovery also turned Leah’s whole life upside down (in the best way possible), and she is here to help guide you through the process that can be scary and challenging at times, but is also the most magical and expansive path we can walk. Having support & guidance through ones journey was something Leah was so grateful to have had from her coaches and mentors, including Allison, and that is why she has decided to step into this important role of guiding others along their way.
Leah’s passions lie in helping others through Human Design and energetics, and along their self-love journey. Leah takes on Human Design from a lens of self-love, and shares Human Design to empower others to fall in love with all aspects of themselves. Leah is also very passionate about connecting back and getting in tune with one's body, and is currently learning and integrating this into her own life - so feel free to ask to dive into this topic in your reading! Leah empowers women to love themselves wholeheartedly, to discover their joy, and to connect to their soul desires - through living in authenticity & alignment with their true self! Human Design is Leah's favorite tool to help others connect to this alignment and authenticity 🤍
Please note: these readings include 5 days of Voxer support & guidance following your reading.
Leah :)